Well, hey boy! Looks like you found a lot of

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Mmm...my eyes glaze over just thinking about it...the sweet syrupy taste (like cough syrup, but more medicinal), the brilliant emerald sheen of the can, the nice crisp sound as it is opened, the bubbles...it's Mountain Dew, nectar of the gods (and computer nerds) and medium of that most precious of nutritive substances, caffeine!

But I'm not just a caffeine feind...I'm a lover of fine art, too! Over time, my penchant for drinking overly large quantities of Mountain Dew (as well as for creating strange "art" forms) has led to the creation of something, uh, well...large...

I'm not saying I drank all those...

(and actually, the tower is a bit bigger, having peaked at 703 cans...anyone interested in buying a custom work of art? :)

And before there was this behemoth monument to many a late night, there was the more humble, yet more intricate one from my freshman year here:

And here is an idyllic youthful me, with the old can tower and what would become the bulky behemoth pictured above...sigh

And you're probably wondering what happened to the old tower? Well, my parents, fearing that it was bug-infested (hey, bugs have good taste, too!) had me recycle it. But, first, some preliminary steps had to be taken...

Oh! The humanity!!

Back to the Home Page of Immaturity for you!

Todd "Odd Ox" Stadler
